Stewart Smith

Jürg Lehni

For a few years Jürg Lehni and I shared a small studio space on Shacklewell Lane in London. In addition to Hektor and other artworks that I admire, Jürg’s also created fantastic software tools such as Scriptographer, and Paper.js. This collection of works makes use of Jürg’s software tools. (I miss our time together, Buddy!)
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
2010December15 Wednesday

Ides of December

A rather good day to pause and review. In November Robert Gerard Pietrusko and Stewart unveiled their latest collaboration, Under Vine , for the SFMOMA's new exhibition How Wine Became Modern: Design + Wine 1976 to Now . Under Vine is a data animation describing a modernized view of wine production and export.

Last week Jürg Lehni and Stewart visited Sara De Bondt 's Design Without Labels class at the Royal College of Art to conduct a workshop. The two gave a "subjective and fragmented" history of programming (beginning with punch card looms and largely avoiding actual computer languages all together) and then delivered an assignment brief challenging the students to create their own language and example applications for the following week.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010
2010October19 Tuesday

November and Beyond

Bobby and Stewart are currently revising new data visualization animations of the global wine market for inclusion in SFMOMA's exhibition How Wine Became Modern opening next month in San Francisco. The two are building out the graphics using Bronson--their custom animation framework originally created for the Exit piece in 2008 and now two years evolved. Also next month, Stewart is giving a talk about Stewdio at the Creativity and Technology conference in London on the 10th. Further down the road? More collaboration with ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany. A workshop for Sara De Bondt's students at the Royal College of Art by Jürg and Stewart. And perhaps a holiday present for the Internet to follow up last year's Browser Pong . There's always more around the bend.